Jan 24, 2011

Oprah Winfrey REVEALS Secret -- I Have a Sister!

Oh my god it's me!!!!! I just know it, she has found me!! I even have photographic evidence!

This just in, Oprah's half sister is a lovely middle aged African American women named Patricia. Perhaps that makes more since from a biological standpoint, but Oprah and I are forever soul sisters!!  I also know what many of you may be thinking. Yes perhaps I have taken this blog to a new low, I could be considered a bit of a stalker, and yes I am indeed standing by a manequin in this picture. I think the best thing to do is wrap up this low brow blog with at least some class and restraint.

Peace out my soul sister Oprah!!! Call me!!!
(I tried to show some restraint)


Anonymous said...

You need help....lol.

Anonymous said...

I knew some day you would find out that your mom stole you from the hospital