Jan 23, 2011

Sunday Scrub Down

I am so glad that we did not get very much snow today, I think we got about two inches.  It was a lazy day around our house today, as Jeff and I are getting over our relentless colds.  I made a healthy yummy dinner tonight which consisted of salmon, rice, and veggies.

Miss Gracie had a bath today, which she was well over-due for!! Afterwards I had her her sit on a towel on the bed and I blow dried her hair so she would not freeze.  Grace had a rough time last night.  She was restless, disoriented and drinking water excessively.  She seems much better today, not sure what causes these episodes.  My poor baby Grace :(

I think I might give Lilly a bath tomorrow, does anyone have a power washer that I could use? Washing that baby hippo in the tub is such a chore!! LOL Geez what a bad Mom I am.....I just called poor Lil a hippo!! Sorry hound dog!

Grace after her bath!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet Gracie!! Hope she's feeling better! Good luck with Lilly Bean! Tell her Audrey sends her "love"!! lol....