Apr 7, 2011

I've got a plan................

I made it to two doctors appointments yesterday and here is the scoop........

Back - I went to the Midwest Spinal Institute and found out what is going on with my back and how to get it felling better. 
Diagnosis two herniated lumbar discs (L4 and L5) with degeneration.  The MRI also showed significant disc degeneration of T-11 and T-12 - this is where I had my compression fractures.  The herniated discs have been the source if my lower abdominal pain as well as my swollen lymph nodes.
So here is the plan -
Physical therapy 2-3 times a week for a month.
Epidural Steroid Injections.  I will have two injections - one in L5 and one in S1.  I will have this done April 18th.

Stomach - Gastro Doc said I had too much wear and tear on my stomach from using ibuprofen for too long.  He said it could be an ulcer, or gastritis.  He took a blood sample to see if I had any infections or bacteria, but seems to really think it has to do with the meds.  He put me on a prescription acid reducer med.  I have to take it twice a day for 8 weeks, as this is how long it can take the stomach to heal.  If I am not getting better then I am to come back in for a scope.  

As for the umbilical hernia, it is nothing to worry about.  It showed up on the CT scan but is not showing any cause for concern, they said I probably have had it my whole life.......weird!!

It is such a relief to finally know what is going on! Now that I've got my action plan - I am ready to get going on it!!

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