Apr 12, 2011

Diet Day 2

Well made it through another day on my diet.  Phase one lasts 17 days then I move on to phase 2 which allows more carbs.  Four phases total.

I had Physical Therapy again this morning.  I started traction today, not as sore as the first time, so I hope it starts getting a little easier each time I go.


Anonymous said...

why don't they call it the 17x4=68 day diet. 68 thats almost half a year

Kristin said...

Because that would sound awful!! There are 365 days in a year!! lol 68 days is a little over two months, half a year???

Phase one - 17 days
Phase two - 17 days
Phase three - 17 days
Phase four - is maintaing good eating choices for life.